Thursday, February 26, 2015

Class 6: Assignment 8

The games were actually kind of fun i guess. Everything I did can be found at​ and​!!
Here's what I did.

The first thing I clicked from​ was the rubik's cube, which brought me to a functioning virtual rubik's cube. I also am terrible at rubik's cubes, so as we can see I messed it up pretty badly within a couple moves.

Next were the games on​ which were kinda cool, but frustrating at the same time. First was this little tank game where I had to drive around using the arrow keys and kill enemies by shooting them. (click).

After i played a game with snowman, and you had to shoot at them and try not to get hit.

The last game i played was a puzzle game and the shapes would move down and you had to pair them with each colored shape.  It was complex and confusing though so i was semi confused on what you actually had to do.

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