Thursday, April 9, 2015

Final 5B: GreenFoot Lettuce and Snake

Here is the link to my turtle, lettuce snake project game After watching all of the videos including JoC #5 If Statements, JoC #6 Adding Random Behavior, JoC #7 Lettuce is good for you, JoC #9 Snakes on a plane! I was then able to add lettuce, snakes and turtles to my project.  I also was able to move the turtles around and when programmed they got to eat the lettuce as well as they came across it.  Last but not least, we had to make the snakes eat the turtles.  

It was pretty cool to see how the turtles got eaten very quickly by the snakes even before they even got to eat their lettuce.  The turtles and snakes basically able to roam freely from each side of the area.  There were many different coding commands and i got to learn how to use most of them while dealing and putting together my game.  It was kind of difficult at first but once you practiced and did every step the guy was doing it became easier as you went through all of the motions. 

This is a final exercise where we used Java to learn source coding at a basic level. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at 

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