Friday, May 1, 2015

Final Project: Group State House

For this assignment, we worked as a class to build a replica of the Old Boston Statehouse as best as we could to scale. Working as a team things moved along rather quickly, here are some pictures of the project coming together! 

In the screen shots above i helped lay down the blocks for the wall.

These screen shots below are of some of the side views of the building coming together.

The first picture below is of the Old State House from a top view.  The second one is of the side and the last picture is of the Old Boston State House as a whole, completely finished. 

This is a final project using Minecraft to build a replica of the Old Boston Statehouse as a class. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

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